Page name: I hate hate [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-12 00:46:58
Last author: zoloftzantac
Owner: zoloftzantac
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Sound ironic? It is, we're not really "hating" hate, but trying to make a point about how hate is the most ugly thing in this world.


An Anti-Hate Community where EVERYONE is welcome, please respect others.


This wiki became first in the Best Wiki Award of may.


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Don't ignore hate

Stand up against hate, if you see ugly hate on a wiki comment, or of someone sends it to you in a message, speak out against it. Don't let your silence imply your agreement! It doesn't have to turn into a fight, if nothing else you can simply say, "Your hateful comments are making me uncomfortable."

This wiki page is a place for open and free discussion for all to talk about hate and any other remotely related issues. (especially for people who don't agree)

Welcome to all!


"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule."





"Hatred can be overcome only by love."

~Mahatma Gandhi


This wiki was named from something I once heard someone say,
"I hate people who hate hate"

Please try to play nice.
Flaming will not be allowed here.


"Hatred paralyses life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."

~Martin Luther King Jr.


"Intolerance: a veil worn to disguise fear and ignorance."

~Binda Fraser

"He that will be angry for anything will be angry for nothing."





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2006-01-21 [Lady Raven]: *waves* Hello!

2006-01-21 [eyes of frost]: Thank you for the welcome. Nice to meet everyone.

2006-01-21 [Hefru_Maru]: Ello! ^-^ -waves aw well-

2006-01-21 [eyes of frost]: Hey there.

2006-01-21 [Kagomeyasha]: Sure! I don't know if I really understand the question, but sure! XP

2006-01-21 [RabidSphinx]: [Lyon Armonial the healer] was banned from my wiki after defacing it. all our conversation happened in PMs, not on the wiki, so you would not have found anything, and i have not deleted any comments, all comments made yesterday are still there. i talked about what i think "Attaction" and "love" it if you like, PM me if you like...

2006-01-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: hmm...i did not deface it...i put my name on the member list as an opposing view because i wished to have a philiosophical debate on it. i said that they have the right to choose whomever they wish to love and that the heart has no eyes. and i was banned for flaming...go figure. we also spoke of the bible and the cultures that use it(romans). i say you should read it, so that you may understand me better.

2006-01-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: i think you have a good point FMA

2006-01-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: hello everyone. the name is joseph and i hate hate! human's violent nature shall cause it's extinction.

2006-01-22 [Lady Raven]: Thank you, and welcome! I'm Meg.

2006-01-22 [eyes of frost]: I kind of agree with Joeseph's opinion.

2006-01-22 [zoloftzantac]: Yes, it seems to be in our nature to destroy ourselves ... the good news is, maybe it isn't our fault. Some astronomers believe that the reason we have not heard direct evidence of alien intelligence is that all intelligent life ends up destroying itself ... :(

2006-01-23 [Hefru_Maru]: I don't think *intelligent* life would kill itself, personally. I think that the reason other life doesn't contact us is because we're so darn mean and violent. I wouldn't want to associate with the human race if i had a choice. I'd be scared, looking at it form a distance.

2006-01-23 [Kagomeyasha]: I'd have to agree with Joseph..This is a wiki where you can debate and state your opinions. He shouldn't be banned.

2006-01-23 [zoloftzantac]: I'll agree that truely *intelligent* life wouldn't destroy itself ...

2006-01-23 [eyes of frost]: Why? Think about it. Intelligent life would seek out other intelligence to make itself smarter - and if it were something (For example another human) that were smarter then it, it would try and become smarter at any price. That in turn leads to competition, competition leads to fights/arguments and those in turn lead to war. What happens in war? People die, therefore trully intelligent life could and probably would destroy itself.

2006-01-23 [zoloftzantac]: haha, for a while there I was trying to figure out what [Kagomeyasha] was agreeing with *me* about (duh) Hi Joseph, my real name is also Joseph :p  I'm not interested in seeing anyone banned from EP. I want to think that we can all learn to be respectful of each other given enough time, communication and understanding. (I think there is hope for wiki killing [violent_j_420], if he tries he can become one of the good elves)

2006-01-23 [zoloftzantac]: [eyes of frost]: What I meant by that is that to destroy ones self doesn't really sound too ... ummm ... *intelligent*, you know? But sure, in the long run we're pretty screwed. The problem seems to be that all of us are smart enough to destroy but most of us aren't wise enough to love.

2006-01-23 [eyes of frost]: Eh true. But then when you get the wise ones that do love, they are not many.

2006-01-23 [zoloftzantac]: and even with the few that teach love, it is still *so* much eaiser to destroy than to create.

2006-01-23 [eyes of frost]: True. It is hard to truly love but easier to pretend.

2006-01-23 [Kagomeyasha]: I agree with [zoloftzantac] (that's an easy one to type out =pp)) give people time to understand what the wiki is about, [RabidSphinx], you've falmed several wiki's and not been banned, in fact, you flammed my wiki a few day's ago. I considered it flaming anyways. BUT, not the point, he deserves a he shouldn't be banned.

2006-01-23 [Kagomeyasha]: [zoloftzantac]:: yeah, I get confusing after a while..>>; I start not to make sense. ><;

2006-01-23 [zoloftzantac]: heh, you know [Kagomeyasha], I was the confused one. what I meant was, when you said, "I agree with Joseph" I thought you were talking about me (that is my name, but nobody here calls me that) :p

2006-01-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: if it is so confusing, then you all can call me armonial. i agree with what you said zoloft...we are a highly competitive rece. but maybe others are not so. interesting to think about....

2006-01-23 [RabidSphinx]: what wiki did i flame? i'm confused by that accusation... >>

2006-01-23 [x.Andrew Hollywood]: wow, 657 comments?? i've been gone for a while

2006-01-23 [Kagomeyasha]: haha, sorry, I wasn't talking about you joseph. =pp [RabidSphinx], in my opinion you were flamaing my wiki, I'm NOT suicidle. I can tell that you do disagree with it, but I still said that ANY questions or concerns were to be told to me. that includes questions about the wiki's exsitsance. and your kind of being rude to my members, and not listening to our side of the story correctly. we answered your question several times, yet you continue to shove it in our faces. it's RUDE.

2006-01-23 [zoloftzantac]: haha, I figured it out (how about I just stay [zoloftzantac] :) You know I don't think RD actually flamed your wiki (unless you deleted it) However, your page does clearly say "If you have any problems, questions or concerns about this wiki,come talk to me, [Kagomeyasha]." So, I can see how you may think all of [RabidSphinx]'s questions *on the wiki itself* were kinda rude. I know she felt that way after a while when I was asking questions on her wiki instead of PMing her.

2006-01-24 [Kagomeyasha]: That's what I do on some of her wiki's, I assskk. but she considers it flaming. >>;

2006-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: I do understabnd what you are talking about [Kagomeyasha], you feel like you have been singled out in the past for something that some one has recently done to you. Being curious and asking questions really should be okay tho, let's all try to be more patient and understanding with our elven brothers and sisters.

2006-01-24 [Kagomeyasha]: I agree, but she kept asking, and shoving it in out faces, like we were "sinning" and being punished for it. It's our decision and we've chosen to live with it. If she cannot accept that, I'm sorry?

2006-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: It's[Kagomeyasha]'s birthday! Happy Birthday Carolyn!

2006-01-24 [BlindGuardian]: [Kagomeyasha], Happy birthday!

[RabidSphinx], you did flame my wiki Lovers Pride
As for intelligence, I think it depends on how you define it. Wayne Dyer says it is the ability to achieve happiness. If so, mankind altogether did not prove itself very intelligent, although some individuals were excesively (I think of Albert Einstein). This is only an example, there must be as many definitions for intelligence as people to define it...
as for the destoying vs creating, that led me to I'm NOT suicidle. I do not wholly disagree with the idea of the wiki, but I think, all the relief cutters need can be found in other activities, mostly the creative ones.

2006-01-24 [BlindGuardian]: It's easier to hide, get hurt, and rely in self pity (I'm not saying the members of the wiki do), than go out, meet people at a choir, or learn how to dance tango, or write poetry, or learn how to paint whit oils (which is a pain in the ass, really :P). I think mental healing is found more in creativity than in self destruction. Just an opinion

And by the way, Joseph aka [zoloftzantac], is your surname really Borges? Because that is the surname of a very known Argentinean writer, a man with an immense knowledge of different cultures, as well as history, literature... a true genius I admire with all my heart. :)
Wow, how was that for an update?? :)

2006-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: Yes, that is my true surname, I've heard of this famous Argentinean (I'd like to think we are related somehow) "Mirrors and copulation are obscene, because they increase the numbers of mankind." ~Jorge Luis Borges ;) My kinda guy

2006-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: i "flmaed" your wiki BG to prove a point of how annying it is to have someone do that, since no one seemes to believe me and continue to the the same to my wiki. and Kagomayasha, i did not flame your wiki, i was asking questions because i was CONSIDERING joining it. your attitude towards me, and the fact that your wiki is not to show that you are not suicidal, but just condoning self-mutilation, i have decided not to.

2006-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: So you feel like you had a good reason to be an asshole on purpose? *sigh* Can't we be nicer and more understanding then that? About I'm NOT Suicidle I know that you two ([RabidSphinx] and [Kagomeyasha]) haven't gotten along to well in the past, but I've seen you be (mostly) respectful to each other here. [RabidSphinx]: I think since you two have fought before, that [Kagomeyasha] may have thought you were looking for a fight when you asked your questions. [Kagomeyasha]: I looked at what RD said on your wiki, and her words really didn't seem rude to me. I think that if you two could find it in your hearts to forgive each other you would get along, you actually have a lot in common.

2006-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: proving a point sometimes means you have to get your hands a little dirty. i'm not above that. i have learned on this website that, the only way to get people to see your point, is to actively demonstrat it, because no one listens. and you yourself said that being "childish" because you are "frustrated" is acceptable. or is that ONLY in BG's case? i would hate for you to have to eat your words on that mr. Zoloft. i try to be respectful, but i was treated very rudely when i only had the best intentions and was merely considering joining the wiki. i have no hard feelings towards kagomeyasha, (i could see how what i said could have been taken wrongly) i have just decided not to join her wiki

2006-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: I didn't edit my above post fast enough and [RabidSphinx] had already replied. (sorry if that makes RD's post look wierd)

2006-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: i edited mine too. no worries

2006-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: oh yeah? well I re-re-edited it ;)

2006-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: i have edited mine 5 times, so i win! :P

2006-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: dang it!

2006-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: Where did that come from? I never said being childish because one was frusterated was a good idea. (how many months ago was this?) What I said was, at least [BlindGuardian] admitted it at the time, she knew she was having a childish reaction, and she warned all of us. Anyways, it is true that I'm pretty friendly with [BlindGuardian] but that doesn't mean I don't let her know when I think she should be more carefull about things. (it makes me kinda sad that you throw things like my being friends with someone in my face, because I have tried to befriend you as well and you pushed me away)

2006-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: friends are just people that misuse your trust just to hurt you with things you confided in them later. i know better than to be a "friend" with anyone here on ep, or anyhwere. people can't be trusted, not even people that are supposed to be your "friends"......and i was not denying i was being childish, just defending myself when you implied that i was an asshole. asshole or not, my "point" needed proving, that flaming a wiki simply because you disagree with the opnions and topic of the wiki is rude, unwanted, and retarded. BG would say that i was "rude", what i was saying was "unwanted" and i was "retarded" (among other things) for leaving two comments on her wiki. i hope she, and others 

2006-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: understand how i feel when i see their comments on my wikis

2006-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: No, those people are not friends. A friend is some one who is supportive of you, trusts and is trusted by you and treats you well. Who ever you are talking about that did those things wasn't really your friend.

2006-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: well, then i guess i have never had a real friend before, unless you count the cunt sitting behind me, reading over my shoulder, letting me use her internet...Goatt is my friend, and she is my only friend i guess...

2006-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: wasn't being an asshole part of your point? My point was this, you may feel like you had a good excuse to act like an asshole, but I don't belive there is any good reason to act like an asshole. I know that you have felt hurt after some of the things people have send to you, (and that people have been assholes on your wikis a lot) but your reaction is the part of it that you can control. I understand that you were defending yourself in a way, but you know, only love can truely make the world a better place, being an asshole never can.

2006-01-24 [Kagomeyasha]: I have no hard feelings for RD either. I just take things differently then alot of people. it's kind of hard to explain. When you asked about my wiki, It didn't seem like you wanted to join, it seemed like you wanted to prove some point that you had. Your repeatidly asked the question after several answers...That's what it seemed like to me at least.

2006-01-24 [Kagomeyasha]: Oh, and thanks for the happy birthday guys. ^___^

2006-01-25 [RabidSphinx]: i did not want to join a wiki without knowing it perspective....and i have tried love, and you know what happened? people still flamed me and my wiki, and hurt me MORE because i was TRYING to be nice...i let people closer to me that way...being mean keeps people's harder to be hurt that way

2006-01-25 [Lady Raven]: It only works for so long though... that's what I did, kinda am doing still. I almost lost the few people that I care about. And being mean *shrugs* It works for a bit, but soon it won't, then you're going to be stuck in a crappy place with absolutely no one. Don't do that, take it from me, that's not a good place to be...

2006-01-25 [catelf]: I don't want to be rude [RabidSphinx], but could you leave your personal problems with friendship out of this debate? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't see how that's relevant to whether or not you flamed someone's wiki and whether or not you were right to.

2006-01-25 [BlindGuardian]: Momento! [RabidSphinx]'s comment in my wiki was 6 (six) days after my last comment on her wiki, which I avoided in order to keep peace. Besides, I'm tired of receiving insults from [RabidSphinx], I have never called her names or addressed her in any disrespectful way. So stop doing it. Besides, after I asked you not to insult members of my wiki, you said you had a right to do it. Bullshit. That's not proving a point, thats proviking me into a verbal fight (If I was not a peaceful, though passionate, person). I did not disagree because you expressed an opinion different to the wiki's spirit (Like "I'm proud of being a virgin"), but because you called me a slut! That's not very polite, mind you. 

2006-01-25 [BlindGuardian]: And by the way, I know this is ancient history by now, but now that you say you have only one friend in the world, haven't you mentioned once all the friends you have that happened to be gay? So either you were not fully honest before, or you're acting excessively pitiful now, or you're trying to prevent us from assuming wrong things about you by sending confussing sings. Not that I really mind, though.

2006-01-25 [RabidSphinx]: iHave one friend, I have a lot of "acquaintances" people I went to school with and ate ‎lunch with, sometimes even want to the mall with. They are not people I consider true ‎‎"friends" because I do not feel I can confide in them. Cooper, Rob, Chris, Tod, and Jay ‎are all gay people I am friendly with. Is that better? Forgive me if I use the term "friend" ‎most of the time casually. Most people do not want a long explanation when it comes to ‎me mentioning person I know and how exact our relationship is. And it is not an insult to ‎say that a slut, is a slut. And catelf, blow it out of your ass. I was not talking to you! I was ‎asked something, and I answered it. go fuck yourself...happy?

2006-01-25 [zoloftzantac]: I'm not happy, I don't want to see people speaking in a hateful, negative way here. Comments like "go fuck yourself" and calling someone a slut are *not* welcome here. I will not stand by and watch hateful negativity thrive on this wiki. It is okay to disagree, and I even think it is okay for the boat to get rocked a lot from time tio time, but name calling and profanity directed at others is out of control. I think you owe [catelf] and [BlindGuardian] an appology. If you can't be more respectful right now then you are not welcome here until you can be.

2006-01-26 [BlindGuardian]: I don't expect an apologize, I only expect her to stop it. Because no matte3r how many ways she insulted me so far, she has never received a simmilar response from me. If that is what you are trying to arise, [RabidSphinx], I can tell you that after leaving the pc, I continue my reading of the week (THe Count of Monte Cristo) and my mind floats away from Elfpack, so there is no way in which you can stress me enough as to make me angry. So give it up, you're only making poor [zoloftzantac] uncomfortable in his very own wiki. And I think we alreadt went through the expanation of this being a public wiki, where everyone reads and comments, etc, etc, etc.

2006-01-26 [catelf]: [RabidSphinx] - if you don't have something worthwhile to say to me, just don't bother, OK?

2006-01-26 [death how i long to embrace you]: ohhh bloody fucking hell calm down all of you

2006-01-26 [Hefru_Maru]: o______O i've missed alot.

2006-01-27 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes yes so did i

2006-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: *Announces* I have recieved a new appointment. I am the newest EP Guard. :) Oh, and I need some practice banning people, any volunteers? ;)

2006-01-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: HMMM..... i have a few...but seeing as this is an anti-hate wiki...i shall not say. but i think that everyone is just letting their anger get the best of them...i agree with death, everyone just needs to calm down.

2006-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: heh, yeah we should try to be nice, but not just here, how great would it be if could spread enough anti-hate particals around the world to annihilate hatered everywhere ...

2006-01-27 [eyes of frost]: Have you guys ever questioned why people hate a race of people while they themselves are of that same race? It confuses me...

2006-01-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: because they hate themselves, so they hate anything that reminds them of themselves.

2006-01-27 [eyes of frost]: But I always had the feeling that they hated what their race had become, not neccissarily tjemselves. Thanks for answering my question!

2006-01-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: that is another reason...good for picking that up too

2006-01-27 [eyes of frost]: -Smiles- Do you think there is something deep inside the subconcious mind of someone who hates?

2006-01-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: such as? a self loathing? or an annoyance at the race's willingness to adapt to the stereotype?

2006-01-27 [eyes of frost]: Kind of. A deep self loathing in the back of their mind and a deep rage in their hearts for what they are. And they "hate" those around them that remind themselves of what they are..I don't know. Random psychology...

2006-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: I think that almost all hate is about self hate, I don't think that anyone can really bring themselves to honestly hate someone that they don't know very well. (except maybe in the case of vengance type hate) If you truely love yourself, then you wouldn't want to feel hate, hate would be too ugly a thing to make yourself feel.

2006-01-27 [eyes of frost]: True.

2006-01-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs* good. but it is not a wise idea to psychoanalize everyone...they do not all have the same subliminal reasons.

2006-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: How did you know I was psycho? :)

2006-01-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: oh come on, that is easy to tell! just look at your profile!!!

2006-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: ^__^

2006-01-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: well, normal people would think that someone who believes in daemons is psycho...but i don't

2006-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: believe in demons? you can suspect you've seen one, but I never knew for sure until I had a demon lover. (okay, I wasn't exactly sober when all of this happened)

2006-01-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *busts out in fit of laughter* i have..some of my closest friends are! that kind of sucks about the daemon lover..what type was she? (curiousity)

2006-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: hmmm ... I'm not sure, but she must have been at least half succubus

2006-01-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: lovely! well, at least that would be fun!

2006-01-27 [death how i long to embrace you]: yay it calmed down i did go for once

2006-01-27 [BlindGuardian]: demon lover? I heard Jack Daniel's has a tendence to attract demon lovers to those who drink it...

2006-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: hmmm ... I don't know about JD, what do they say about mixing vodka and marijuana?

2006-01-27 [eyes of frost]: ....*Hides her face in her hands and tries not to laugh* You people are

2006-01-27 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes yes they are

2006-01-28 [eyes of frost]: Lol.

2006-01-28 [RabidSphinx]: member [Clare06] deleted this wiki. i restored it.

2006-01-28 [eyes of frost]: Someone just deleted the wiki of [Wolfs United] and it was, [xx arkie xx]...he should be smacked right in the back of the head....I really dislike it when people do that. They don't get enough attention so they have to go around deleting pages...rediculous...

2006-01-28 [zoloftzantac]: Thank you for restoring it [RabidSphinx] (and for reporting the wiki killer I'm dealing with this report personally) Great report, by the way :)

2006-01-28 [eyes of frost]: Yea thanks Raine. It was extreamly nice of you. -Huggles her-

2006-01-28 [zoloftzantac]: [eyes of frost]: [Big Brother] got your report about Wolfs United. It was [xx arkie xx]'s first offence, he has been offically warned.

2006-01-28 [zoloftzantac]: heh, [Clare06] tried to be sneaky and added this text to the page, "[xXxRaZzAxXx], [xx arkie xx], [.x. Lil Lizzie .x.], [kiss me xx]. [Xx SeXi PlAyBoI xX], [xXxTDHxXx] are my sexy little babes lol" and then deleted it ... so the restored version was also still funked up ...

2006-01-28 [eyes of frost]: I know...I said thanks to him and posted on here before I reported him. -Looks down- Why do people do that really?

2006-01-28 [zoloftzantac]: Who knows ... I guess people get board AND lazy (and stupid) at the same time, so instead of helping, or being constructive they destroy ...

2006-01-28 [eyes of frost]: Yea...but it is so mean to do it here...can't they desroy a pillow or something other then someone's wiki?

2006-01-28 [zoloftzantac]: I like the way [RabidSphinx] put it to me. You know, this wiki was locked for a little while, then RD said something like, "why lock it, if it is unlocked it will help us find the trouble makers who need to be banned, and it isn't that hard to restore a wiki anyways so ..." I think it is funny, it is almost like a trap to catch trouble makers :)

2006-01-28 [eyes of frost]: Yea. Lol. But still...they shouldn't do it. It only pisses other people off and gets them banned. And I still like them hitting the pillow and destroying that better then the wiki's idea. Lol.

2006-01-29 [RabidSphinx]: glad i could be of help...sorry i didn't check the page over after restoring it, i was just about out of time and had to go right away...but glad you liked the report to...i never know who is going to get it...^^

2006-01-29 [zoloftzantac]: heh, no prob [RabidSphinx] it was a minor additon he made, getting the page back up again was sweet of you. :) you know, I think you have the record for most reports :)

2006-01-29 [RabidSphinx]: reports? no way...i do not report that much...maybe most pointless reports of "this person is being a c*nt to me on MY wiki" ><;

2006-01-29 [zoloftzantac]: heh, I meant for people reporting you :) My finger gets tired scrolling thru them all

2006-01-29 [RabidSphinx]: hahah! oh...>>; well, that i beleieve...maybe you guys should take them off my house if they have been dealt with, save them in a wiki for referance or something...>>;

2006-01-29 [zoloftzantac]: so, what happened to artistic nudity?

2006-01-29 [RabidSphinx]: oh...*sighs* people had creative differances on what was "art" and what was "porn" on that wiki...i was all for the wiki, being a posted member of some of my art, but some popel just had pictures of themselves taken with a webcam and called it "art" and i disputed this strongly...having taken photography classes, i can tell you what an artisticly taken photograph, using all the points of art and technique, looks like, and what isn't

2006-01-29 [zoloftzantac]: Sounds like a neat idea. People always have differances of all sorts. Why not get an artistic page going again? You could screen all of the postings yourself.

2006-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: naw...last thing i need is another reason to have people bitching at me because we do not see eye to eye on something (even if it is just art)...besides, i'm not entirely comfortable with nudity, i just happen to have some requested art that was nude that i posted there because i was not comfortable with posting it elsewhere... :/

2006-01-30 [eyes of frost]: Sorry about the wiki.

2006-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: died MONTHS ago. but hey, if anyone here wants to start it up again, i will submit art again, but don't think i wont say something if i feel what is being displayed is not art. though, i did had out a lot of constructive comments and praise too... ^^

2006-01-30 [eyes of frost]: Hrm...i might start one like it so keep your work out okay?

2006-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: my work out?

2006-01-30 [eyes of frost]: Your pictures. Keep them out so you can enter the contest if I make it. Lol.

2006-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: oh...>>; i thought you were saying keep my art "out" of your wiki and i was like, ouch, snap...><;

2006-01-30 [zoloftzantac]: heh, that's right RD. KEEP OUT! :)

2006-01-30 [zoloftzantac]: cool [eyes of frost], wanna build it together? I was thinking about taking over Artistic Nudity from [Beautiful Letdown24], since she hasn't been on EP in over 100 days ...

2006-01-31 [eyes of frost]: Yea. Sure. I wouldn't mind helping out. What do you want me to do? -Thinks- Oo...I have the perfect picture in mind for the badge...muahahaa! But I need to go asketh permission...-runs off-

2006-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: :( i don't feel the be careful with the can't be TOO nude if it will be going on people's houses or it will violate the UARs... ;P

2006-01-31 [Kagomeyasha]: :oo

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Nope. I have it already done. I asked for permission of a nude photographer and she is in a chain mail bekinie like thing. Lol. Shes not even totally nude! Muahahaha.

2006-02-01 [zoloftzantac]: yep, it should be fine with all of the guards.

2006-02-01 [zoloftzantac]: Today is [BlindGuardian]'s Birthday! Happy Birthday to you! :)

2006-02-01 [BlindGuardian]: Woo hoo! Thank you! :) You're all invited to my costume party... or, in case you can't assist, to send a post card ;)

2006-02-01 [eyes of frost]: Happy birthday! -Hands over a cupcake with a candle-

2006-02-05 [zoloftzantac]: Welcome to [Bulimic+Rainbows] our newest member! Please follow our #1 rule, to be respectful to each other. Play nice and you will always be welcome here!

2006-02-05 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: Ok ^^

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Hiya Ayame.

2006-02-05 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: Hi

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: How are ya?

2006-02-05 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: Great, and you?

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Eh...seen better days. -Pokes-

2006-02-05 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: Oh :(

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Lol. So what's going on huh?

2006-02-05 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: I'm drinking green tea. It's exquisite :D

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Eh...I prefer regular old

2006-02-05 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: o rly?

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Yea.

2006-02-06 [BlindGuardian]: I got a little bit disappointed when I saw the green tea wasn't as green as I imagined, but yeah, it's delicious.

2006-02-06 [catelf]: I like peppermint tea, although normal tea is nice too. With real tea leaves.

2006-02-06 [zoloftzantac]: the green tea ice cream is very green, yum!

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: Yuk...I sorely dislike green tea...

2006-02-06 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: Never had green tea ice cream lol

2006-02-06 [zoloftzantac]: It rocks! (although now I get the soy dream version)

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: ....OKay. That is for you guys...-goes to get her soy chocolate ice cream-

2006-02-06 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: I want some :( now I'm having an icecream withdrawl

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: Lol. -Hands some ice cream-

2006-02-06 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: w00t

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: Lol.

2006-02-06 [BlindGuardian]: green tea ice cream o.O never heard of that, but I guess it must be better than coffee with milk ice cream

2006-02-06 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: I'm putting it on my mom's shopping list

2006-02-06 [eyes of frost]: Lol.

2006-02-07 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: i think i shall stick with my regular chocolate icecream with all the milk and fat in it, thank you

2006-02-07 [Bulimic+Rainbows]: lol I'm in school and now I have to beg my teacher for icecream

2006-02-07 [zoloftzantac]: Welcome to [¤♫♪Ģєήίε♫♪¤]. our newest member! Our #1 rule here is to please be respectful of others. We have a lot of members who strongly disagree on some issues, so our discussions could get out of control if were didn't respect each other. Welcome to the group!

2006-02-07 [eyes of frost]: Lol. I eat that too. But I am on a partial diet and Soy helps...

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: bah!

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: -Tackles Joe-

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: careful frost...i bite back...*grins showing fangs*

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: Ooo....-Touches them- I have those too...and mine are all natural...and it bites...really. -Runs the pad of her finer over one-

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *smiles* i had a feeling you were one such as i.

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: -Scratches herself- Ack! -Sucks her finger- What do you mean? -Pokes him-

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: i believe you already know what i mean. *grabs frost's finger and licks the blood off*

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: Hey hey now! That is MY finger! -snatches it back-

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *wimpers* but it tastes good....

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: ...Ack...fine...-Offers her finger back to him-

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: hehehe...*eagerly licks up the blood dripping down*

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: -She gets off him and sighs- Grarg...

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: oh...ruining the fun so soon?*purrs softly*

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: -Pats his head thoughtfully- No. Lol.

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs* i would hope not

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: So...what's up?

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: not much...besides the fact that i must be off to rest...i, unfortunately, have school in the morning. so i must bid you goodnight for now.

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: Aww. Goodnight for now hun. Have a good sleep!

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: i sleep like the dead...*laughs* goodnight dear

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: You didn't just call me dear...did you?

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *smirks* well, suppose i did. good night. ;)

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: No! My name is Rachel! Muaha....please call me that...or hun...or something other then dear...

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: bah!

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: Go to bed...bah..

2006-02-08 [zoloftzantac]: are you kids playing nice in here ;)

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: -Tackles Joe- I don't know...

2006-02-08 [zoloftzantac]: Greetings to [Bookwyrm], our newest member! We really only have one rule here, please be respectful to others. You will find people here whom you will disargee with, our discussions are possable because we are respectful to each other. Welcome!

2006-02-08 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: Thank you ^-^ I'm glad to be greeted. And thank you for inviting me to the forums but I think I'd rather stay here...I don't really understand how the forums work...x_x

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: ..Yay! New member! -sloshes with applesauce-

2006-02-08 [Bookwyrm]: Now I know I responded to that last night x_x Anyway...on with my response...o.o OH NOES! ::is attacked by a multitude of deer:: HAH! o.o

2006-02-08 [zoloftzantac]: wow, I guess deer really like applesauce ...

2006-02-08 [Bookwyrm]: ::snorts:: Probably...they like apples anyway. And deer are less threatening than horses which I'm almost positive like applesasuce XD. So yes. These deer love applesauce. o.o

2006-02-08 [zoloftzantac]: Oh, I'm glad you survived your deer attack ;)

2006-02-08 [zoloftzantac]: Welcome to [BexxiBoop], a secert member that is showing our banner in her house. ;) Thank you! You are welcome to post here as long as you follow our #1 rule by playing nice.

2006-02-08 [Bookwyrm]: Welcome [BexxiBoop]! I went to your house not so long ago!

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: Yay! Another new member! -Sloshes with chocolate pudding-

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: frost, be nice...dear

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: But! -puts down her spoonful of chocolate pudding and set it back in the mixing bowl-

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: you know pudding is only for eating and licking off of a lover...

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: -Sticks out her tongue- Bite me...

2006-02-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: hmmmm....tempting..*grabs frost*

2006-02-08 [eyes of frost]: I....didn't mean it like that! -Tries squirming away- And besides I don't look that knock it off...

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